Modeling Lenticular Wave Box

I did some more work with modeling a project Nicole and I worked on last semester in Rhino. After getting the structure set up using faces created from curves, I exported to illustrator and added dotted lines and tabs and cut it in a much smaller scale in lenticular on the vinyl cutter. I tested a new method for joining pieces by fusing with a soldering iron. You just touch the tip to the edge and remove and repeat. It works fairly well but I didn’t take into account how brittle the lenticular is, and it snapped at such a small scale. I think for next week, I will try to create a dodecahedron lenticular shell and fuse it with the new soldering method. (This has to be done outside, it produces poisonous fumes.

Midterm: CNC Project


For my midterm project, I created a table lamp for one of the phone booths. The lamp illuminates the table providing task lighting, similarly bright to the table lamp that was there before my lamp. The led strips are 12V bright white 5730 Leds, 72LED/M .5W/LED (similar to this product). The lamp has a dimmer switch to turn it on and increase / decrease the brightness. The top of the lamp includes a dichroic plexiglass accent. There is a channel for the light to pass behind the dichroic illuminating the material and creating a multicolored gradient from the point of view of the observer, as well as refracted colored light on the wall behind the lamp. I created all of the parts of the lamp on the CNC machine. Overall the piece came out much bigger than I imagined it, I should have cut it out of cardboard first. The lamp head was too heavy for the arm to support without bending so I added a laser cut clear acrylic support.

Pictures of the base and arm construction. I used the same joinery from last week. After cutting the base and arm, I ran it through the table router to round the edge.

Below are pictures of the top piece which holds the diffusion acrylic and led strip, at this point the arm was still strong enough to hold the top up without support.

I fed the wire through the pocket in the arm up to the led strip. There is a tension fit piece covering the wire pocket.

The last piece was cut and put on top of the piece that contains the leds. There is a dichroic strip which is illuminated by light passing through a channel in the top piece. I had to laser cut another support arm for the top because the top was too heavy.
