SmokyBits: Generative Spray Painting Clouds
This week I created a program that allows you to paint particle clouds. The clouds shift and overwrite each others colors / fade to white based on random noise.
TunnelFlow: Processing Pixels With Trigonometry
This week I created a program which rotates tiles in color, axis, and speed based on functions relative to the distance from the cursor to the tile / pixel on the screen. Code available here
Assignment 1
Make A Physical Image Using Non Traditional Pixels
For this assignment I bent the rules a little bit and used the computer. My initial concept was making a mosaic with dichroic tiles. I wanted to base the image on color blind tests so I found an illustrator file which I edited so I could laser cut small dichroic tile circles. I ended up using the template as a mount and inlayed the tiles into the holes in a spiral pattern. It turned out to be quite difficult to make an exact spiral pattern by hand because of the way I set up the mount. The acrylic mount was attached to a wooden back with carpet tape and tiles were pushed into the holes. After everything was completed I was surprised to find out that the final piece acts as a pixelated mirror if you unfocus your eyes.