Performance Practice

My performance system came out pretty well, I have a setup which allows for 4 videos to be combined with chromakeys. Two of them have brightness, saturation, contrast controls, and feedback loops. The system also includes a plane switching random generator triggered by the beat of the music. Below is a recording of one of my practice sessions. I am hoping to get everything connected up to a midi controller before Wednesday.

The equipment room was out of MIDI controllers so I borrowed my roommates Axiom keyboard, I had trouble correctly mapping the buttons so much of the performance ended up being controlled by keys. This turned out to be an advantage rehearsing the performance. The whole program is able to be controlled without any mouse clicks or regular keyboard input.

Video Playback System Continued

I continued to work on my video playback system this week spending a lot of time going through the 2TB of content I have and selecting some clips that have interesting textures. I decided to make a live music video for the Tame Impala song Feels like we only go backwards. I chose drone footage where the camera moves backwards away from the subject (or reversed the video in premiere) as well as some underwater footage that I reversed. I have been working on creating animations in processing with (0,255,0) green tiles or words which can be used to key in multiple videos on top of each other or use as transitions. I am currently trying to work on coming up with a system that allows me to trigger multiple video loads and preset key colors with one message click / key shortcuts. so I can create better transitions. I also worked on a simple audio beat bang generator that I found online and linked to a plane remapping subsystem and played around with example code Matt provided us for ghost planes.