Low Res is a 40x13 Led Pixel Screen created initially to display climate change data but then later used in MadMapper experiments (below) and Lenticular Portals
Climate Stripes
A visual representation of climate change since the industrial revolution. A 40x13 pixel LED screen controlled by a teensy micro controller and infrared sensor inside a birch enclosure.
Before the viewer enters the room, the screen plays an animation with blue stripes passing by to represent the years before we started collecting data. When the viewer enters the room, the infrared sensor detects them and the climate change animation is triggered. Each stripe represents 5 years since 1880 going from blue (below average) to white (average) then to red (above average). If the viewer stays in front of the screen, the future is simulated by more and more red stripes. When the viewer walks away, the initial blue state is re-triggered.
The piece is inspired by Ed Hawkins Warming stripes infographic and uses data from the World Meteorological Organization
Low - Res Maping Experiments
After creating climate stripes, I decided to use the screen to experiment with MadMapper animations as well as live webcam manipulation. Below are the results.