Digital Fabrication
Infinite Reflection
Aidan Lincoln & Sohaila Mosbeh
Infinite Reflections is circular infinity mirror with embedded led matrix panels which play video content. The screens are contained inside a cnc'ed frame behind a diffusion panel stacked between a mirror and a sheet of two way acrylic creating the classing infinity mirror illusion. The visuals played on the matrix panels are a surreal interpretation of the passage of time.
3D Modeling
LED Screens
After the frame was assembled, I insert 6 out of the 7 panels to make sure they fit and could get some sample video playing on them. Next step is to figure out how to build a frame that can hold the diffusion panel.
Building The Led Matrix Mount
In order to be able to fabricate the piece at ITP I realized we were limited by the biggest laser bed we have access to which is 24 inches. That means the inner diameter must be less than 24 inches. 7 Screens at 10 inches each make a circle with a circumference of 70 inches and a diameter ~22 inches. I created a circle with that specific circumference and split it into 7 segments by splitting it with a heptagon with the same diameter. I then pulled my measurements from the first vectorworks assignment so that I could produce a mount which holds the screen at the correct angle.
Below are screenshots of my CAD showing the shapes necessary to produce the blue and green parts which hold the LEDs (2x Green for the top and bottom, 5x blue to give space for the internal wires. The right shows
Testing Diffusion And Infinity Effect
Below are some example videos of the infinity effect we are going for and potential diffusion with 1/8th inch acrylic. Hopefully we will be able to achieve a similar result with 1/16th inch.
Project Propsal:
This semester Sohaila and I are going to create an infinity mirror with the led matrix panels modeled below. It will consist of 7 panels held together in a CNC’ed plywood frame with a 2-way acrylic mirror in front and a standard mirror in back. We are still determining the specifics of the diffusions and back panel but would like to hide the individual pixels and have a multi faceted back mirror.
Theme: The abstraction of time within a surreal landscape.